Instructions intérims à l’intention des Examinateurs américains relativement aux sujets brevetables

Le Bureau des brevets américain a fait l’annonce suivante le 27 août 2009:

The USPTO has provided Interim Examination Instructions for Evaluating Patent Subject Matter Eligibility (hereinafter “Interim Eligibility Instructions”) for use by USPTO personnel in their review of patent applications to determine whether the claims in a patent application are directed to patent eligible subject matter under 35 U.S.C. § 101 pending a final decision from the U.S. Supreme Court in Bilski v. Kappos, S.Ct. No. 08-964 (cert. granted June 1, 2009). The USPTO has begun the process of training examiners on the Interim Eligibility Instructions.

The USPTO is also posting the Interim Eligibility Instructions on the USPTO’s Internet Web site (, and is requesting public comment on them. The USPTO is issuing the Interim Eligibility Instructions and has begun the process of training examiners on these instructions to reduce the delay in delivering these instructions to examiners, but the USPTO desires the benefit of public comment on the instructions andwill revise the guidelines as appropriate based on comments received.